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Therapies & Pregnancy

I feel very lucky to have had the pregnancy that I did with my daughter. Morning sickness (truly all day) definitely kicked my butt until about week 16, but from that point on I was able to resume a daily routine relatively close to pre-pregnancy. I went for daily walks/runs and did weight training 3 times a week. At the time, I was working 5 days a week, and did so until just before my 3rd trimester began and the pandemic shut the world down (you could say I was fortunate enough to have an extended maternity leave).

To give a bit of a backstory, at the time we were living in Saskatchewan and it had been a beautiful Spring, so I spent the last 3 months of pregnancy sunbathing, reading books, and taking 90-minute naps every day. Fast forward to pregnancy #2, and my body took the increased hormones as a sign to just let loose. I was plagued with round ligament and SI joint pain for months, decreasing ability to exercise comfortably, extreme fatigue, and morning sickness lasting longer. With every midwife appointment, baby #2 seemed to be growing at a normal rate, and I knew I would need to employ all the therapies I could to get through the last trimester comfortably. I scheduled monthly massage treatments (Natalie Kerby at Therapeutic Massage Center – she has pregnancy pillows!), saw my chiropractor weekly for at least a month (Dr. Andrea at BIHC while my regular chiropractor, Dr. Tessa, at Trenton Massage was on maternity leave), and tried acupuncture with Dr Amy, Naturopath, at Right Fit Therapy.

Natalie’s massages were a gift I wish I could have given myself the first pregnancy. She has truly honed her trade, and she’s a local RMT I am happy to refer people to (who also practiced massage therapy in my home province!).

Dr. Andrea is well-known in the Belleville community, supporting moms on their pregnant & postpartum journeys, as well as pediatric chiropractic care. Under her care, I received a variety of techniques for my pregnancy-related ailments, including spinal adjustments, cupping, A.R.T, and dry needling.

Quoting Dr. Amy’s website, “[acupuncture] is a great option in the final weeks of pregnancy to prepare the body for labour to reduce the need for medical intervention or interventions such as pain management, forceps, vacuum or emergency Caesarean births.” Since I was hoping to go through this labour and delivery unmedicated (I had an epidural with my first), that sounded good to me! On top of the specific lower body acupuncture points for labour prep, we put needles in my jaw (I’m a jaw clencher, and studies show jaw tension and pelvic floor tension are related!) Dr. Amy discussed acupressure points that my husband could apply pressure to as a form of natural pain relief techniques during labour, and included an acupressure handout in her follow up email for ease (pregnancy brain, IYKYK). We also went over resources for birth affirmations, breathing exercises, and breastfeeding.

As a healthcare provider, I encourage trying and utilizing alternative therapies through all stages of life, but especially when our bodies are going through big changes like pregnancy. I don’t think I would have been able to maintain much activity – let alone keep up with my toddler! – if it hadn’t been for massage therapy, chiropractic care, and acupuncture.

*Update: I saw Dr Amy on my due date for acupuncture of induction points, but baby arrived 6 days overdue! I was able to have the labour and delivery I had hoped for (mostly, anyway), and we had a beautiful baby girl – 8lbs, 20.5” long. We are tired, but happily settling in to our family of 4!